
Showing posts from March, 2014

It is rude not look…

Two things happened this week in Machakos a man was forcefully being washed by the touts and that was happening in public and were all very entertained as he was being washed with very little water. I actually wondered whether their intention was to make him dirtier. The next thing that was happening just a few metres a drunk man lying on the pavement behind the shops decided to relieve himself by just urinating where he was resting and which was in the public. Some women who were very daring decided to stare at him as he was doing his thing. And although he was drunk he was not very amused that he had an audience and he started cursing in his mother tongue which was Kikamba and one woman courageously responded to him still in Kikamba and am very sure she said something like “if you have decided to show us, you want us not look?” Fortunately for me I did not have to be rude to him because he had hidden his fundamentals. The point is we have been taught even in primar

Husbands have some dignity…

The holy book says, man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife and they become one. When you know her that means you have become on body with her and her with you so you are one.                                                               According all the nice statements we hear is that one duty of a man is to protect his wife. And it is important to note that it does not matter how annoyed or aggrieved you are with her, if you pride yourself at being the bigger man in the family or the head of the family where do you get off embarrassing and exposing her nakedness to the world. When you call the media people to help you catch your adulterous wife what exactly have you solved? where is the joy of exposing her nakedness to other men   cops and camera crew, I hope you do not think they care, point of correction people do not care about your issues they are going through harder things than that mountain of yours. What is intriguing about humanity is t