
Showing posts from May, 2014

Men! Not everything belongs to you…Seriously!

It has to been assumed that women are possessive but I think possessiveness has many aspects. I think men have been socialized to believe all the good or convenient things belong to them and when girls or women happen to enjoy using an item they feel belongs to them; they always tend to remind someone that the said item is not unisex. Men, just because you grew up using something or seeing other men using some specific items that does not mean they belong exclusively to men and when women use the same items you feel the need to remind us that they belongs to you. When men see a woman with a wallet they mostly likely will remind you that a wallet belongs to them and even make such a fuss about it. And if by good luck they are not able to say it they fidget and keep staring at the holder of the wallet, their body language always betrays them, because they look like they are about to choke on the unsaid words.   Does it mean just because men are the ones who often use the wallet

My Mum…

When I was growing up I knew my mum was a genius she knew everything, when you misbehaved she knew about it even before you got home and considering there were no mobile phones the flow of information was amazing. Mention any English word she knew the definition. All the subjects we were learning in school she could tutor us in the evening the only difference being hers was with a lot of fighting in the evening. How could she know so much and she was not the teacher and she never came to class when the teacher was teaching us, was a real wonder. Mum used to make us write compositions but her marking were like personal vendettas because she was very mean with marks. She taught me pronunciation of many words, but there is one word she told me how it is pronounced and I have never forgotten. Every time I pronounce the word or hear it pronounced it reminds me of her and I go wow! Mum told me how that word is pronounced. I still wonder why that word stood out among all the other voc