
Showing posts from February, 2014

SIZE 8… Kick the devil but do it decently…

Size 8 am not against the devil getting a kick, I am all for the idea and I also think the lyrics make sense. My issue is with the kick and how what it leaves your audience imagining many things me included and do not forget young people have very active imaginations. We now know you are a believer and please do not think for one minute that your fans have followed you in salvation they did not. They actually feel very bad that you crossed over. They have not forgotten how provocatively you used to dress when you used to entertain them. If you have forgotten they have not, what you fail to understand or are ignoring is that with your salvation you have denied them your provocative dances. Now since you say you have crossed over the best thing you can do is to act like it. Please do not go wearing stockings and throwing kicks which leaves your audience wondering what would happen if that stocking were to tear by mistake when you are busy and vigorously throwing a karate kick. A

The instant God of some modern preachers is not appealing....

The God I want and the one I have grown to love is the one whom even his son Jesus Christ says that he has not even revealed to him when his return will be – “ The times and occasions are set by the father’s own authority and it is not for you to know when they will be ” Acts 1:7. The God I love is the God who in Mathew says “ God’s wisdom, however, is shown to be true by its results” Matt 11:19b The modern God of some present modern preachers has been presented to us, so leisurely that he is an instant God. And for him to bless all one needs is to sow a specific seed in terms of money depending on the intensity of your need and voila! the miracle will happen. The God I enjoy telling people about is the one many say has three responses to our prayers Yes , Wait , or No . Now that is the God I love. When you have prayed earnestly and then you get a wait response that does not mean, he will not give you whatever it is you are seeking from him. From experience we have le