Donate The Organs Where You Are Going You Will Not Need Them….
Christians want to go to heaven but nobody wants to die yet that is the only way to heaven, if you are not lucky enough to be airlifted there like Elijah. Although with God anything is possible since he did not say only Elijah could get a lift to heaven. It is okay to keep an open mind and have faith. If it could happen to Elijah who was flesh and blood the same could happen to you and since it happened once it could happen again. Just have faith… I have been thinking since human beings do not want to think of being dead and buried they want to live forever, a better way to ensure you are in the world for ever and ensuring you will never be buried, is going the science way. Science has come up with a way of ensuring that the world makes provision for you to be useful even when the soul has left the body. The Christian bible says “no matter how long you live, remember that you will be dead much longer” Eccl 11:8. Am sure by one you can deduce I am a good African with al...