Nurses, Doctors and everyone who works in the Hospitals…. Yours is the Calling…

Every morning as I go to work, I pass at least 3 main hospitals and I always remember to ask God to bless the nurses and the doctors and all the people who work in the hospital for the good work they do for us and sometimes you see nurses boarding Matatus (public transport) after their night duties looking very exhausted and that really challenges me. I also remember to thank God even for the medical students who are also in training. That job is a divine calling from God.

Not everyone can operate on someone, that is, cutting someone then going inside to find what is wrong. Not everybody can stand the sight of blood or the sight of a wound. Which you guys have to dress every morning until the wound heals, I hear some wounds are so bad that worms bubble from them yet you guys are okay dressing those wounds. Not everybody can work in the laboratory where you test all manner of nasty things that come from our insides. Not everybody can be a cleaner in the hospital. Not everybody can work in the morgue. That takes the grace of God, the fact that you guys can still go on with life as if it is not a big deal is amazing.

The saddest thing is that we hardly appreciate you and especially when we recover, we abuse you, harass you, call you all manner of bad names, yet we cannot do without you. The government does not even think much of you. Sometimes you only want the Government to provide you with tools of trade like gloves and machines that are operational, since they are always refusing with your salary and they do not think you deserve reasonable remuneration and for that you still have to go on strike. I wonder what is wrong with our priorities. Because even when you go on strike we still cannot understand you are do so for our own safety.

Guys we appreciate the work you do for us. We may not say it but deep down we know we cannot do without you.

It is amazing that you still continue working, even under those harsh conditions. And more are still joining the profession. Yours is truly the calling.
If this is not a calling how do callings look like?...


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