The Foreskin Obsession…
…am thinking very loudly and wondering what the uproar is about regarding foreskin of the ‘age mate’ (that’s another name for the penis courtesy of a good friend and that is what we will be calling it hence forth). The circumcising cultures should stop telling us it’s for the benefit of the woman, there is nothing done for the benefit of the woman (no offense to men). Men do things for their own benefit, as the circumcising cultures do so, it should be clear circumcising benefits men and leave women out of it. Okay… these days we say there are the medical benefits with the HIV & AIDS era. When I was growing up, our neighbors were from one of the many communities in Kenya that do not circumcise, this of course we leant later in life when we went to high school because in Primary school kids are so innocent they do not care. The point is there is nothing that would indicate that the father of the house may or may not have been circumcised the children looked very healthy. ...