
Showing posts from April, 2012

The Foreskin Obsession…

…am thinking very loudly and wondering what the uproar is about regarding foreskin of the ‘age mate’ (that’s another name for the penis courtesy of a good friend and that is what we will be calling it hence forth). The circumcising cultures should stop telling us it’s for the benefit of the woman, there is nothing done for the benefit of the woman (no offense to men). Men do things for their own benefit, as the circumcising cultures do so, it should be clear circumcising benefits men and leave women out of it. Okay… these days we say there are the medical benefits with the HIV & AIDS era. When I was growing up, our neighbors were from one of the many communities in Kenya that do not circumcise, this of course we leant later in life when we went to high school because in Primary school kids are so innocent they do not care. The point is there is nothing that would indicate that the father of the house may or may not have been circumcised the children looked very healthy.

The Act of Sex is Unclean…

The Act of Sex is Unclean… ...Although the act of sex is definitely a loving gift from a loving God for humanity, it is interesting to note how the bible interprets it in relation to worship. What is shocking is, this lovely gift apparently one cannot have it and worship at the same time since it’s unclean for example Ex. 19:10 …when God informs Moses to tell the people of Israel to get ready for worship one of the  prerequisite for worship was abstinence from sex. Moses said “…be ready by the day after tomorrow and don’t have sexual intercourse in the meantime…” Lev 15:16-18 “…when a man has an emission of semen he must bath his whole body he is unclean. After sexual intercourse both the man and the woman must have a bath…” Lev 22:4 “…any priest is unclean if he touches an emission of semen…”  Deut 23:10 “...if a man becomes unclean because he has a wet dreams during the night, he is to go outside the camp and stay there towards the evening he is to wash himself and

The Act of Sex is a Basic Right...

….I am of the opinion that, the God of the bible is a very romantic God. He created the act of sex for human beings to enjoy themselves and did not reserve it to the married people. In the bible 8 chapters are reserved exclusively for pure romance, where we find descriptions of how things are done. The Song of Songs introduces the book as a series of love poems addressed by man to woman and woman to man. And though the songs are interpreted by Jews as a picture of the relationship between God and his people and by Christians as a picture of the relationship between Christ and the church, if indeed that is how God intended them to be then, it adds more weight to my statement that the God of the bible is very romantic. Imagine (…your lips cover me with kisses…your love is better than wine…. Be my king and take me to your room…). In our African tradition and specifically the Kikuyu culture to which I belong there was a practice called Nguiko (restricted sexual act). “The practice