The Foreskin Obsession…
…am thinking very loudly and wondering
what the uproar is about regarding foreskin of the ‘age mate’ (that’s another
name for the penis courtesy of a good friend and that is what we will be calling
it hence forth).
The circumcising cultures should stop
telling us it’s for the benefit of the woman, there is nothing done for the
benefit of the woman (no offense to men). Men do things for their own benefit,
as the circumcising cultures do so, it should be clear circumcising benefits men
and leave women out of it.
Okay… these days we say there are the
medical benefits with the HIV & AIDS era. When I was growing up, our
neighbors were from one of the many communities in Kenya that do not
circumcise, this of course we leant later in life when we went to high school
because in Primary school kids are so innocent they do not care. The point is
there is nothing that would indicate that the father of the house may or may not
have been circumcised the children looked very healthy. And were it not that my
parents knew something about balanced diet and endeavored to provide, I would
say the children would have been more healthier than us since their food mostly
comprised whole grains porridge, ugali
and rich fish proteins which we were not getting at home because that kind of
protein was not very common especially in a Kikuyu household…
Let’s address the girl…, when she is growing
up it’s a taboo to touch or even see a boys age mate, or even have sex, message
from home, church and the society. We can then assume that the girl has grown
up not knowing how a grown age mate looks like, we can also assume that she
would not differentiate between a circumcised and uncircumcised age mate… when
she goes for honeymoon, how will she differentiate between the two age mates,
my thinking would be she will not know the difference as long as the age mate
is in good form, stands at the right time and enters the exact residence. She
will not care…
Our cultures have different rites of
passage some circumcise others do not. We should all be accommodating and
respect one another. Why the circumcising cultures believe theirs is superior
than the other rites of passage is both arrogant, rude and very un
The fact that your age mate is circumcised
does not necessarily make you a responsible man, take for example the men who are
not providing for their families and spend the whole day in the market place drinking
or just being idle. Due to the kinds of illicit drinks they are consuming their
age mates though circumcised cannot father a child…
Which woman would want an age mate that
is not working just because it is circumcised, I think women will choose
uncircumcised age mate that is operational any time over circumcised one that does not
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