
Showing posts from May, 2012

Child Defilers Chemical Castration - PAP!

The thought of a grown man having sex with a minor is revolting and not to mention despicable. I know that most men are opposed to the idea of chemical castration or going all the way with the castration business, wherever all the way will lead to. But seriously if a grown man’ penis hurts and brutality cause damage to a grown woman whose vagina is developed and mature enough to accommodate the grown penis, when raped, what about the same penis going into a minor be it a boy or a girl. If a mature woman gets traumatized by the rape ordeal, what about a child who does not understand why a grown man is removing something that is big which is hanging, and then the same man is squeezing the big thing into her or him. Can we even begin to comprehend the trauma of those little girls and boys? All they are able to say is “alinifanya tabia mbaya” – what he did to me was bad manners. Now let us stop thinking about another person’s child but bring it home and think that the girl or

Artificial Insemination

I will use the term artificial insemination since everyone will know what it means, my assumption is that, if you went through the Kenyan 8-4-4 system of education you did a subject called Science & Agriculture so you are familiar with what the word means in relation to animals now it is the same idea but to human beings. According to what is preached fornication is a sin because two people engage in sex outside wedlock. Now suppose a nice single Christian lady opts for the artificial insemination. And she argues that since the organs did not make contact she did not fornicate. So when the baby comes will the church still classify her as a fornicator and only fluids were exchanged. Will the church baptize the baby or she will be required  to attend catechism classes to be accepted back to church fold? I would be interested to know the position of the church regarding Artificial Insemination? Is it wrong or not ?

Stop trying to understand God…

David an adulterer and a murderer is a man after God’s own heart. Abraham coward who does not protect wife but uses her as a shield is the father of faith. Moabites a tribe that originates from incest Jesus proceeds from it. Moses a man who walked and talked with God face to face disobeys once and he does not enter the Promised Land the best God could offer him is seeing it from a distance. Jacob conspires with his mother to steal and lie for a birth right and God makes him the father of the 12 tribes of Israel changes his name from Jacob to Israel that is a blessing. Jacob’s son slaughter men in the land of Shechem and when they starts to flee God puts so much fear to the neighboring communities that they do not pursue them. God keeps Sarah from having a child and when he decides to bless her she is very dry until she questions if she can still enjoy sex- meaning she never used to have sex with Abraham any more. At 90 years honestly even the yearning for a bab

Breast Obsession…

The great thing is that I know for sure am entitled to my own observation and opinion. And men am also open to correction. But before you lash out on an innocent observer, listen first. I have observed that when boy toddlers see a baby breastfeeding they drool, when boys see a woman’s cleavage they drool and it becomes an instant distraction. When a grown man see the same cleavage, the woman is very likely to get whatever it is that she came to ask for. If men do not have an issue with the breasts who are really opposed to lactating mothers doing it in church and they make good proposals to build a nursing place for the breastfeeding mothers wishing to do so during the service. Excuse me who are the majority in the church council men and the women who sit in the same councils are those who have closed the chapters of giving birth. Reason given breasting feeding distracts people from worship. But it is imperative to note that when a woman decides to breastfeed especially

Use of Sex for a favor is old fashioned…

Sex is so common and so readily available to be used for favors and the person accepting it, gets a raw deal. It’s just like someone trying to bribe you with something you can easily afford. How can something done even by animals be used for favors. In sex (heterosexual) the penis goes into the vagina it does not matter the style you enjoy the point is, it is still going into something be it the front or the rear. Courtesy of the Kama Sutra manual there are variety styles available. Essentially if you find your bedroom drills are becoming monotonous it is recommended that you invest in those manuals they will improve that section of your life. I also believe God will not strike you dead when you start enjoying those extra curriculum activities with your spouse. Back to my point of using sex for favors, what is the big deal with it, you are not inventing new styles Kama sutra has already done that for you. Sex is so common to be used for favors, there is nothing exciting

Once again why are you proud?...

….Next time when someone wants to degrade you or bring you down remember there is nothing unique or different about them.  Do not let anyone intimidate you just because they have so much money and you do not, granted with money one gets economic power but that is not a big deal in this life. God has configured this world that we are all equal and we need one another. Think about the richest man or woman on this earth, are they any different than you No. they do not have golden penises or vaginas, they breathe in the same oxygen you do which goes in and comes out as carbon dioxide just like you, they get a bowel movement just like you. I think the only difference is that they have expensive toys than you. For example when they go for a bowel movement they can sit on a golden toilet and while you, use a pit latrine. The point is the waste will come out at some point and both of you will get relieved. Why do people brag and treat others like they are lesser human beings, what w

The Sex Factor

It has been said that human beings are spiritual beings. Human beings are also sexual beings. And most decisions we make in our lives have a sexual connotation or it has a sexual motivation in them. And that is what I will be calling the Sex Factor. Marriage we are told is about companionship but why do the same companions turn against each other hacking and mutilating one another when their conjugal rights are not met…In marriage both of you are looking for something that your family and relatives cannot provide… Why is Maina Kageni and Mwalimu Kingangi radio program so famous and though some people profess how offensive the program is, it is still very popular… visit some super markets in the morning, or you are traveling in the Matatu …in the morning its Classic FM that is on the air and having very many callers… Why are couples going to so much length to expose a cheating spouse through witchcraft until the cheating couples join together like glue… The reason the father of Fait