Stop trying to understand God…

David an adulterer and a murderer is a man after God’s own heart.

Abraham coward who does not protect wife but uses her as a shield is the father of faith.

Moabites a tribe that originates from incest Jesus proceeds from it.

Moses a man who walked and talked with God face to face disobeys once and he does not enter the Promised Land the best God could offer him is seeing it from a distance.

Jacob conspires with his mother to steal and lie for a birth right and God makes him the father of the 12 tribes of Israel changes his name from Jacob to Israel that is a blessing.

Jacob’s son slaughter men in the land of Shechem and when they starts to flee God puts so much fear to the neighboring communities that they do not pursue them.

God keeps Sarah from having a child and when he decides to bless her she is very dry until she questions if she can still enjoy sex- meaning she never used to have sex with Abraham any more. At 90 years honestly even the yearning for a baby is gone and even the people she could have boasted too are all dead where is the joy in that.

Rachel the loved one God keeps her barren and then when she finally able to conceive she dies after her second born and on the road. Leah the not very loved wife, Jacob says he wants to be buried beside her in the family cemetery.

God commissions Moses to go and deliver the children of Israel and on the way God meets with him and tries to kill him am more confused…

Isaiah 55: 8-9 "My thoughts," says the Lord, "are not like yours and my ways are different from yours, as high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours."


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