Some Organs Don’t Get Annoyed…

A good friend told me the best advice an elderly woman gave her when she was getting married is that “some organs don’t get annoyed”. According to my kikuyu culture there is a saying that “mundu mugi ndare muhere wa uhoro” loosely translated a wise person does not need a lot of explanations they read between the lines and draw an informed conclusion. The Psalmist also says “…So teach us to number our days…” (90:12).

What in short the elderly lady was telling my friend is, when at some point in their marriage they disagree as a couple and then the husband wants to go for morning glory sessions she should not deny him his conjugal rights. And remember the scripture also tells couples “…Do not deny yourselves to each other, unless you first agree to do so…” 1 Cor 7:5. That is what the elderly lady meant that even when you are so livid to always remember that some parts of your body did not get annoyed.

What we need to understand is that we waste a lot of valuable time getting annoyed and that is why we need to ask God to help us number our days  because a day which is unknown to us death is coming so let’s not waste time getting so annoyed and staying annoyed.

Granted, remaining annoyed buys you time for manipulating your partner, but just sit one day and picture yourself without him or her. If  you cannot imagine a life without him or her then forgive and go for morning glory, lunch hour if there is time and definitely do not forget the good night dinner or snack. But if you are happy without him or her in your life, for goodness sake please file for a divorce and move on. Life is too short to live in slavery. Even Moses allowed for divorce and Jesus commenting on the subject said Moses allowed it because people were hard to teach (Mt. 19:8).

Life still moves on even when you are annoyed


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