God Is Not Afraid To Address Sexual Issues Why Should You?....

 I do not know where the misconception came from which makes people feel that when they do not discuss or address sex topics or issues they are very holy. Am sure by now you are already getting defensive and claiming that what someone thinks or writes about that what they are all about. But at the end of the day the good book says God judges our motives.

Dr. Phil did a show one time and his audiences were seeking his advice on how to address the sex subject. What the show revealed is how parents are terrified of the inevitable subject with their teenage children and some were getting relieved when he told them some topics are for their spouse if one was a mother of boys or a father of daughters.

In the African culture when a father has son’s he feels very privileged because African culture glorifies the male child more than the girl child but regardless of the gender, as the years go by and kids grow up, parents start to dread the teenage years because they know they will be expected to address the sex topic and hence my observation if God is not afraid to address the issue why should you. Why make the sex subject so holy yet I do not think God makes such a big deal of the subject. Actually I think God expects you as a parent to become the authority and give your children the correct information before someone else does it for you. And that is the reason you cannot throw stones at the writer of this blog, who can come to your rescue if things get out of hard.

God addresses the issue so many times in the good book, he has allowed stories of his chosen people to be told of how they struggled with their sexuality and he still called them special, quote ‘A man after my own heart’. I choose to deal with the man after God’s own heart. The good book describes him as a handsome, healthy young man and his eyes sparkled (1Sam 16:15). Am sure when he is being described as a healthy young man maybe, just maybe it most likely meant more than the fact that he did not get common colds often out there in the wilderness where he was taking care of his father’s sheep….

This is a guy who decides he is not going to battle when Kings were required to and as he is enjoying God’s creation and fresh air on the balcony of his palace and because of his very healthy sparkling eyes, he sees someone’s jewel taking a shower and he decides to appreciate wholeheartedly and ends up committing sin and tries to cover it up, commits murder in the process but God exposes him and forgives him.

The fact of loving the fine things of life becomes pronounced when on his dying bed his servant and officials since they knew his preferences in life. Were all in agreement that however much they tried to keep the king warm nothing was working until they decided they have to find a young woman to keep him warm and take care of him “Your majesty, let us find a young woman to stay with you and take care of you. She will lie close to you and keep you warm” (1 Kings 1:1-2).

The point is from all those many words God addresses the sexual issues in the good book king David is just one example there are many more. The interesting thing is many of these things are affecting us today. Why we try to deal with the issue in the secrecy of our rooms and sometimes wishing that the issues go away is beyond me. Parents you cannot wish 6 years of teenage hood away.

Finally brethren did you know, when teaching, the best examples and the ones that keep your students alert are usually the sex examples. Try it and your students will never miss your class. You will actually be their favorite teacher.

My favorite lecturer, Rest in Peace. Rev. C.B. Peter. I enjoyed your classes and I still remember all your examples. he he he he...


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