
Showing posts from July, 2012

Stop glorifying the devil…

Imagine you are with your sweetheart and then another person who hates you, hates your family actually if God gave them permission they could cannibalize after killing you. When you are dealing with someone who passionately hates you, am sure you do not spend your time trying to find out what they eat, how they dress, you are actually not interested in what they are doing but you are cautious about them and you do not let yourself forget that they are your enemy and any careless move on your side could get you killed. Am sure you cannot take your sweet heart on a nice dinner date and in between the conversation you keep referring to the enemy wondering what their intentions are, what they are doing or what they are scheming for you. That, my friends, is exactly what we do with the devil. On one hand we have Jesus and his love for us and protection and on the other hand the devil. Yet we spend most of our time wondering what he is doing, what his next plan of action is s

You are not sick, you are Single....

Why do our cultures seems to be so uncomfortable with singlehood. And the interesting thing is that the bible does not seem to condemn it on the contrarily it somewhat encourages singlehood Jesus past thirty years old was still single Matt 19:11-12. Paul says that marriage is difficult and he would rather spare us all the everyday troubles of married people. 1 Cor 7:8 “ I say that it would be better for you to continue to live alone as I do but if you cannot restrain your desires go ahead and marry it is better to marry than to burn with passion” Singlehood is not that bad you get to do the things you enjoy and do them at your own pace, you make your own rules, and you do not need to consult with someone who does not even share your vision or cannot see what you see about a project. You do not have to cook if you do not want to or feel like. If you have a day off to rest you can sleep in without the guilty feeling that you maybe neglecting someone. You make your rules and you can

Sign on the dotted line….

Christians are the only people who live in their own world which is full of denial. All in the name of being a good Christian who is afraid of being left behind when the others go to heaven. The self-made world makes them compromise on their morals and believes all because they do not want to stand out in the crowd by questioning something they know in their hearts and soul is wrong. If this is not true, why is there a lot of misappropriation of funds in our churches. The treasurer loots church money but the Christians cannot confront him/her, the only thing they manage to do is bad mouth the treasurer and the church officials. What could be wrong with you righteous church members demanding an audit of the accounts and the person involved with the misappropriation of the funds held accountable. Why is it that outside the church compound you can speak out against injustice but in the church compound you can only gossip? You are worse. Could we stop spiritualizing financial mat

Private Parts…

Why are they called private parts and there is nothing private about them. All our anatomies are external we can see them and especially for men. There is nothing private about the private parts, men display them to one another when they are peeing or in the shower rooms or in the changing rooms. When, boys are getting circumcised nothing private there. Girls and women the same thing in the shower rooms or in the dormitories, when women are giving birth they do not care who sees the baby coming out, when women go for pap smear. So what is private about the parts? I get amused at the hypocrisy of some men that they go around stripping and beating women simply because they have worn a micro-mini yet the same men visit strip clubs at night. I think there is something about day light or day time that makes people feel very righteous and custodians of morality. I also think the parts are only private when the opposite sex decides to look at them in public and during the day.

I like Our Traditional Means of Exposing Law Breakers…

I really enjoy seeing our medicine men and women use their expertise to catch thugs, thieves or law breakers. The idea of people eating grass is very welcome. Seriously, since it is working why don’t we make use of it? Besides it is a good way of putting these law breakers at bay. It makes police work easier and even saves pastors a lot of work praying for the law breakers to be caught and it saves tax payers money being used for investigation. The other day in Kiambu some few men decide to go on spree of raping women, they did it until one woman decided enough was enough she collected urine samples from all the women who had been raped and visited one of the many traditional doctors in Kenya. Lo and behold the, age mates of all the men who had raped the women become swollen such that they could not wear their trousers and they gladly confessed, what they had done… We have witnessed on Televisions men eating grass. This is not unusual Nebuchadnezzar also ate grass. I have

We are all Prostitutes…

‘We are all selling our bodies for money’, the wisdom of a Commercial Sex Worker (CSW), quoted by my lecturer in class. Before we reflect, we have to first, come out of our self-righteous cocoons. Another lecturer told us point blank, the reason we are all class pursuing our degrees was because of money. And this seemed to offend some colleagues in class who were on their way to heaven by faith and who subscribed to the idea that money is the root of all evil. Anyway, it is all for the money and if God is gracious to you and gives you a job that you enjoy doing, you get a double portion blessing of job satisfaction and the money. Now that we are in agreement, it’s all courtesy of the money then the CSW would be right in her observation that we are all selling our bodies for money. In buying and selling there is exchange of goods and services for money. The reason we go to school and continue to further in our studies is so that we can get a good job and get a good salary and if y

Garden Weddings...

I belong to a mainstream church where garden weddings are really discouraged. What I do not understand the same vows people will take in the permanent building called church and in the garden are the same. The same proclamations the minister or the priest will pronounce in the church or the garden are the same. The sermon the minister or priest will preach in the church I assume would be the same in the garden and the wedding certificate is the same in both set ups. The reason given is that the church is consecrated. Let’s reflect, for the communities where they do not have permanent structures they can identify as church, worship is done under a tree, I believe God still hears their supplication. I have a friend who is a Reverend who tells me that some of the churches in his parish worship under a tree. What they do, is come with the benches under a tree and they do their worship including even taking Holy Communion. Just imagine what activities may have taken place under the s