I like Our Traditional Means of Exposing Law Breakers…

I really enjoy seeing our medicine men and women use their expertise to catch thugs, thieves or law breakers.

The idea of people eating grass is very welcome. Seriously, since it is working why don’t we make use of it? Besides it is a good way of putting these law breakers at bay. It makes police work easier and even saves pastors a lot of work praying for the law breakers to be caught and it saves tax payers money being used for investigation.

The other day in Kiambu some few men decide to go on spree of raping women, they did it until one woman decided enough was enough she collected urine samples from all the women who had been raped and visited one of the many traditional doctors in Kenya. Lo and behold the, age mates of all the men who had raped the women become swollen such that they could not wear their trousers and they gladly confessed, what they had done…

We have witnessed on Televisions men eating grass. This is not unusual Nebuchadnezzar also ate grass. I have always wondered when the culprits eat grass how does the digestive system process it? at least for the animals they chew cud and the human beings. Anyway that is beside the point. The good news is that, our cultures have remedies of how they dealt with the lawbreakers who were a menace to the community, why is it that we do not explore some of these nice aspects of our cultures. They worked then and even now they are still working and very effective.

It’s just a thought….


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