
Showing posts from June, 2012

Futile trying to understand humankind…

I cannot visualize having a roommate who wants to eat me. Imagine! The whole time that I am in their presence they are just salivating and until eventually they cannot resist it and they just eat me! Horrible… If we had not read about it and seen pictures, we could have just assumed those are just the many folk tales that our grandmothers used to narrate of handsome men who would attend the village dance and since they were the best dancers the beautiful girls in the village would fall in love with them. And when allowed to marry them, they would take them to their homes in faraway lands and then the handsome men would turn into man eating ogres. One thing I cannot also understand is why people are seeking permission to have sex? We do not see heterosexuals going round campaigning and announcing that want to have sex or am having sex these days. But lesbians and gays want us to give them permission to do it; they want us to know that they are also having sex. Now, if you go

We celebrate you Men…

Today I celebrate my love for you; it seems the natural thing to do… There is a kikuyu Mugiithi song that says “… gutire mundu murume nyenje…” (that there is no man who is a cock roach) the song goes further to say that when the man is alive he feeds three families and even a concubine with his meager income and when he dies they will one day sleep hungry. For a long time now we have assumed so many things regarding our men and boys we always think they were born survivals when they get hurt society tells them to suck it up! Men do not cry… we assume they do not feel pain or are not supposed to feel pain.  The small boys are told ihii ni ihii oana ciathe kuu (boys will always be boys wherever they go) granted boys are chaotic and very destructive actually when a boy comes near me I start panicking. I know when he makes his exit something will be broken or stolen, they do not leave empty handed there will be signs that a boy was in the house. I believe our men and boys a

Who needs a clueless virgin?

I was told of a story of two virgins who got married and apparently the lady had a hint of what happens on the wedding night but the dude had no idea. So they go to the room and the do their bible study and their devotion, to the astonishment of the lady, the young man said his goodnight and slept, and it went on for the duration of the honeymoon. So when they returned home, the girl, I would say was wise did not expose the young man but confided with the young man’s grandmother that they did not consummate their marriage. And according to her the man had no idea what should happen. So the grandmother decided to intervene, although extreme her interventions worked. She called both of them into her house and ordered them to strip naked, she then told the lady to lie down and then showed the boy where to insert the age mate. Long story short the boy eyes were opened and apparently enjoyed it so much, he could not get enough. Being a virgin is good it makes you feel very clean, undef

If You Cannot Convince Them Confuse Them…

One of my lecturers used to say that. What he meant was, pastors when unable to preach a simple message prefer to use big words to confuse the members. I yearn for the day church people will be confident enough to ask preachers questions “excuse Pastor before you sit, you have used so many big words but I fail to see their relevance…” The point is the bible encourages people to question what you do not understand. 1 John 3:1-3 “… beloved, do not believe all who claim to have the spirit but test them to find out if the spirit they have comes from God…” These days we see people believing every manner of teaching about giving, sowing seeds, wrong scripture interpretations, anointing messages and wrong prophecies. We hear stories of people who have been told to withdraw all their savings and sow a seed. honestly we do not serve an unfaithful God or an unfair God who leaves his people broke, God utmost, wants to see if you can be faithful with the little that you have through giving yo

Dude Ask Her and let's all move on…

In the movie Notting Hill Julia Roberts says “ am also a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her…” Okay, I appreciate what is said that men have fragile egos and fear rejection but seriously who doesn’t?  That is not a male issue it is a humanity thing. Why sit back and watch the love of your life going with someone else, just because you fear the unknown. Besides, what is the worst that could happen she will say no, so what? if she does that will not deplete you oxygen, you will not die, you will not be the first person to be rejected neither will you will be the last, these things happen, it most probably happened to your dad and it will also happen to your son. But chances are that she will say yes. Sometimes we let very irrelevant things stand on our way. So what if she comes from a rich family or she is so economically empowered the bottom line is she is still a girl who is waiting for a boy love her. In all that preparation do not forget to tell God to

Remember To Thank God Always…

Did you thank God when you went to the toilet to have a bowel movement or according to you it is ungodly? Imagine the relieve you get after that task. The fact that you can go for a long call shows that your body system is in good condition. There is someone who cannot enjoy that relieve you get very morning from just a bowel movement. Did you thank God for that empty bladder after your visited the toilet? It is important. Did you thank God after you successfully made love your spouse and everything went on well or you think things will always function automatically? Thank God now. There will be a time you will wonder like Sarah and even get amused “… now that I am old and worn out can I still enjoy sex? And besides my husband is old too…” Gen 18:12. Did you remember to thank God for the gift of sound mind, good health, try visiting one of the mental health facilities in the country hence you will appreciate the gift of sound mind. Such that even after a clean bill of hea

You are an intellectual? So what?

According to the oxford dictionary an intellectual is a well-educated person who spends time thinking about complicated ideas and discussing them. Another dictionary describes them as somebody with a highly developed ability to reason and understand, especially if also well-educated and interested in the arts or sciences or enjoying activities involving serious mental effort. My working definition of an intellectual is someone who is an authority in a specific field of study. Simplifying it further is one who is more learned than other people among him/her for example with my bachelors when I am among diploma students, high school students and illiterate village mates I would be considered very learned hence an authority in my field and to them. I remember when our firstborn brother went to high school, he came home for mid-term and I remember him telling me that they were doing a subject called Chemistry and then he opened the deep freezer and said that the ic