
Showing posts from August, 2012

Could sex be a curse…

Sex is as old as the world is, it is the most sought after thing, it is the cause of many problems in the homes either lack of it or more of it, people keep doing it and cannot seem to have enough, hearts and trust is broken because of sex. It seems like a good gift but it also looks like a curse.  How can something that is so good cause so much pain and suffering methinks it is a curse. When Adam and Eve knew they were naked the first thing they discovered was sex. When Cain killed Abel, Adam and Eve had sex and they gave birth to Seth. God commanded Adam and Eve to go and procreate. Up to that far it is a blessing what happened after that? And before you prepare to disagree, take time and think about it. How has sex affected your life so far, your family and your community. The other day in the media a widow is neglected by the whole community because she refused to be inherited. The whole community turned a deaf ear to her cry that she is too old to be inherited. Sex made a com

What do you mean get married to Jesus…

When a man and a woman get married they say I do to being together till death do them part. That means after death one is free to remarry if they so wish. So! Where did the gospel of telling widows to be married by Jesus come from? While the widower is advised to look around and get married since it is not good for him to be alone. The widow is given advise which goes like this, “…sister your husband is gone, you are now embarking on another journey of singlehood, remember my dear sister Jesus is now going to fill the gap that your husband was occupying, my sister now you will be married to Jesus and serve him diligently, go out there and obey the great commission since you are free”… wow! That encouraging advice almost sounds very godly and spiritual but it is heretical. During a funeral while listening to that advice, am asking myself this young widow or even elderly widow has other needs, emotional, psychological and sexual needs. And am asking myself where Jesus will fi

Don’t Ditch Your Bad Girl to Marry a Church Girl...

There is a myth that is as old as Christianity in Kenya and I attribute it to infidelity and breakage of most marriages. Paul asked Galatians “you foolish Galatians! Who put a spell on you?” simply put who bewitched you? “How can you be so foolish? You began by God’s spirit; do you now want to finish by your own power”? At this juncture am posing the same question to men. Who the heck bewitched you ! And made you ditch the bad girl who complemented you, the bad girl who you experimented with, who together you learnt what you know now and the bad girl who did things to you that you still treasure just to marry a church girl. I have nothing against church girls, but I am a firm believer that, people should marry their own kind. Men delude themselves that bad girls are not wife material and they do not make good mothers; there are other things that matter even after the kids have come. If those other things did not matter why are you now in extra marital affairs? Why is your

Sometimes you have to rebel to break out

Isaac when swindled to bless Jacob, told his first born son that he had already blessed Jacob and that there was no more blessing to give but he gave him some advice…”You will live by the sword, but be your brother’s slave. Yet when you rebel, you will break away from his control.”… The point is, at some point in your life, circumstances will force you to rebel so that you can break free from a yoke, rebellion you realize will be the only way out especially to break free from societal chokes. You however have to gather enough courage to rebel and go against the current to your freedom. And do not delude or deceive yourself that society will let you have your on space on a silver platter. When Judah’s son’s with Tamar were being born, Zerah put his hand out first and the midwife caught it and tied a red thread round it, to indicate that he was the firstborn and then he drew it back and then Perez was born as the first born, and the midwife said this how you break out and hence t


I think English needs to be reviewed some of the words that queen Elizabeth made us learn and use do not make sense. Kenyans are proud of having learn't the British English and they proudly write, among the languages they know and speak fluently, British English is one of them. And since queen Elizabeth is still the queen of the land whose first teachers of English came from this English belongs to her. A midwife is somebody trained to deliver babies.   My lecturer used to say that the meaning of the word is found in the word itself, let’s define the term ‘midwife’ "mid"–found or occurring in or around the center of or halfway through something. "Wife"–is the woman to whom a man is married. Now let us get the meaning of the word…   I can only think, they are called midwives because in one way or the other they get to see what the husband sees when he is with his wife. The word does not even reflect on the male nurses who assist during child birth.

When I get to heaven….

When I get to heaven some of the questions I will ask God will be about sex issues, for me that is what marvels about God. One thing I love about God is he accepts us the way we are. Some of us if we will get to heaven we want to ask about spiritual things and some of us want to ask about sexual things, we are all one body but with different interests all originating from the same maker. According to God what he creates is good and pleasing so nobody should think it is ungodly to ask about sex matters it is very godly. This is according to God. What I will seek to know from God is about the issue of pubic hair in human beings. The hair grows in a specific designated area. It is not a cushion or a fore skin to protect organs. And the fascinating thing, it has even a shape, growing in a specific area. If the purpose of nostrils hairs is it keeps the dust away how is the dust getting under there with all our inner clothing unless of course for those who do not wear them. And bear in

Mystery of Condoms and men

One thing I admire about men is that they have very rich taste in everything and they go for quality in everything, men’s shoes range from Kshs. 3,000 the cheapest all the way to a figure I would find illogical to spend on a shoe. A pair of quality socks Kshs.300, a tie Kshs. 200 and it is good to mention these are the cheapest in terms of quality, and even condoms a packet of three goes for Kshs. 400. I went to a super market the other day and at the counter where they sell the small items and one of the things lined up were condoms and I engaged the attendant through asking questions regarding the condoms. I was wondering why the price of condoms would vary like that, a packet of three going for Kshs 400, 200, 150, 120, 100, 50, 20, 10 and free ones from the government. what I learnt was condoms are different in terms of texture, I understand some come flavored, there are others called rough rider, others come with studs and they are flavored and of course, the believe that