Mystery of Condoms and men
One thing I admire about men is that they
have very rich taste in everything and they go for quality in everything, men’s
shoes range from Kshs. 3,000 the cheapest all the way to a figure I would find illogical
to spend on a shoe. A pair of quality socks Kshs.300, a tie Kshs. 200 and it is
good to mention these are the cheapest in terms of quality, and even condoms a
packet of three goes for Kshs. 400.
I went to a super market the other day and at
the counter where they sell the small items and one of the things lined up were
condoms and I engaged the attendant through asking questions regarding the
condoms. I was wondering why the price of condoms would vary like that, a
packet of three going for Kshs 400, 200, 150, 120, 100, 50, 20, 10 and free
ones from the government.
what I learnt was condoms are different in
terms of texture, I understand some come flavored, there are others called
rough rider, others come with studs and they are flavored and of course, the believe
that the more expensive the better the quality.
In my head I am going like…It is ridiculous.
I mean condoms are used for so many things, but for the most common purpose,
honestly does it really make sense the price of the condom when you are at the
climax tearing it from the wrapper, does it really matter. This was until one
man passionately described the Kshs. 400 bob condom. Quote “when you are
wearing that condom it feels like you are eating live live…like you not wearing
a condom but you’re in it, that condom does not dry up apparently it is not
like the Kshs. 10 bob one which dry up immediately”.
One thing I can attest to is that the topic
of condoms is very dear to our men and they are very passionate about it. It
did not matter where I introduced the topic, in a supermarket, when having lunch;
men were willing to give me free lectures of condoms and defend the condom
The bottom line men are very passionate about
condoms and the topic of condoms is dear to them and they have very expensive
taste and they do not mind spending…
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