Sometimes you have to rebel to break out

Isaac when swindled to bless Jacob, told his first born son that he had already blessed Jacob and that there was no more blessing to give but he gave him some advice…”You will live by the sword, but be your brother’s slave. Yet when you rebel, you will break away from his control.”…

The point is, at some point in your life, circumstances will force you to rebel so that you can break free from a yoke, rebellion you realize will be the only way out especially to break free from societal chokes. You however have to gather enough courage to rebel and go against the current to your freedom. And do not delude or deceive yourself that society will let you have your on space on a silver platter. When Judah’s son’s with Tamar were being born, Zerah put his hand out first and the midwife caught it and tied a red thread round it, to indicate that he was the firstborn and then he drew it back and then Perez was born as the first born, and the midwife said this how you break out and hence the name Perez. 

In this life you will not get very far by sucking up, granted it has worked for some, but if you are a go getter chances are that you will get tired of kissing ass. And finally you will decide enough is enough no more sucking up and defend yourself. This of course will be at the detriment of losing maybe a job, financial support from your sweet mama or baba.

If you are in any bondage, purpose to break out and ask God to give you strength and wisdom on how to go about it…


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