
Showing posts from December, 2012

Why Do You Care What People Say?…

Imagine when you had a lot of trouble in your life and no one came to your rescue, you did not care what people said all you wanted was for God to intervene in your situation. That time maybe you went hungry or you were thrown out of your house maybe you suffered a loss in your family or even your life. That time you did not care who saw you at your most vulnerable, you did not care who saw you begging friends to lend you some money. You di d not care whom God used to bless you, God humbled you to the extent that everyone in your village or community knew about your humiliations. But somehow you knew deep down that God would intervene in your situation.  During that time you did not care what people said about you. Because it could not have mattered and you did not have anything to loose. How is it that you have forgotten where you have come from? Now when God has finally blessed you all over a sudden you care what people think of you and you always have to put your

Nobody can be that busy…

When someone tells me that they are so busy, I make faces and go like yeah right! Am not impressed. I do not believe someone can be so busy to an extent that they do not have time for their loved ones. You see if you do not create time for your children because of your busy schedule other people or other things will fill that vacuum you have created. I always wonder in your tight schedule where you get time to visit the toilet or even take a shower. When you are seated on that toilet seat do you count how many minutes you have spent doing your thing. Exactly what are you so busy doing? Are you telling me that you are indispensable at your place of work, if you kick the bucket today you mean that job or ministry you are doing will cease to be. You fail to create time for your own personal life or your family because you are busy. You cannot even let someone love you, get serious! Ecclesiastes says that in this world nothing changes “… life is useless, all useless,

YOUNG GIRLS! When it freezes stop shining…

I think our young women have issues. They are so obsessed with shining they sometimes forget to check the weather or even carry something in their bags to keep them warm just in case. And considering how they are carrying huge handbags they have no excuse for not including something to keep them warm. Some of these bags interestingly are so huge they can carry a baby inside. Or do they arrogantly decide not carry something warm just so that they can test how much their boyfriend loves them and to see if he will lovingly give up his jacket. Sweetie! that is a poor way of testing love, the poor dude is also a human being and he feels cold too. If I was your boyfriend, I would let you freeze. Because, it is you responsibility to take care of yourself, if you did not know it. You walk on the streets and see a girl wearing a miniskirt and a very thin blouse and that time it is freezing. You look at the girl and she is clearly very cold because apart from having goose pimple

Who is Santa Claus in African???…

It is Christmas holiday once again and we are all getting ready to eat and be merry, and indulge in all manners of ways, throwing all our care in the air and to hell with the repercussions we will deal with them next year. But what amuses me is the issue of Santa Claus this guy who has a long white beard and a big tummy who wears a red suit and with stripes of white here and there on his suit. Am sure there is a history behind him but am not that much interested in it for now. My interest is with Kenyans who are imitating Santa in his way of dressing and all he is supposed to be doing when he wears that apparel. And my confusion is, what Santa Claus means to Kenyans, what is the history behind a Kenyan Santa Claus, or are we just copying things so that we can look good or so that we can really feel it is Christmas. If we want to be involved with philanthropic activities must we dress like Santa Claus for us to feel we have been charitable this festive season? Kenyans

Discipline The Little Angels or Brats…

The bible says “ Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it ” Proverbs 22:6 There is something I do understand with modern parenting. Why we do not seem to be doing such a great job yet our parents used to have more than 5 kids and they managed those basketball and football teams with love and discipline. And the children knew the lines that should not be crossed. The kids knew crossing a certain line; you did not even bother begging for forgiveness they prepared psychologically for the consequences which one braved courageously. There was nothing wrong with that way of upbringing we were spanked but we turned out okay. The discipline did not kill us. Our days you could not find a child seated while there was an adult next to them who did not have a seat, surrendering a seat was something you did naturally.   But these days even if it is a sickly elderly person standing next to a seated child the mother will not even tell th