Why Do You Care What People Say?…

Imagine when you had a lot of trouble in your life and no one came to your rescue, you did not care what people said all you wanted was for God to intervene in your situation. That time maybe you went hungry or you were thrown out of your house maybe you suffered a loss in your family or even your life. That time you did not care who saw you at your most vulnerable, you did not care who saw you begging friends to lend you some money.

You did not care whom God used to bless you, God humbled you to the extent that everyone in your village or community knew about your humiliations. But somehow you knew deep down that God would intervene in your situation. 

During that time you did not care what people said about you. Because it could not have mattered and you did not have anything to loose. How is it that you have forgotten where you have come from?

Now when God has finally blessed you all over a sudden you care what people think of you and you always have to put your right foot forward.  dress right, dine in the right restaurants, take you kids to the right schools, drive the right car, chew your food in the right way, smile in a right way wow! I have nothing against perfection.

How disappointing…


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