Discipline The Little Angels or Brats…

The bible says “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6

There is something I do understand with modern parenting. Why we do not seem to be doing such a great job yet our parents used to have more than 5 kids and they managed those basketball and football teams with love and discipline. And the children knew the lines that should not be crossed. The kids knew crossing a certain line; you did not even bother begging for forgiveness they prepared psychologically for the consequences which one braved courageously.

There was nothing wrong with that way of upbringing we were spanked but we turned out okay. The discipline did not kill us. Our days you could not find a child seated while there was an adult next to them who did not have a seat, surrendering a seat was something you did naturally.  But these days even if it is a sickly elderly person standing next to a seated child the mother will not even tell the child to stand up, according to the modern parents it is the child’s right to sit and besides there is a saying “the early bird catches the worm” they came early and caught the seat. So live with it, old person.

Why is it that we are treating our kids like eggs, yet these little angels or brats by nature are born of sin. They are already sinners, they are master manipulators and nobody teaches them to exploit your weak points and make you feel guilty when you discipline them. The silent criminals can steal sugar and vehemently deny that they have even looked at the direction of the sugar dish yet their lips say otherwise.

Just think for a bit. If you yourself perfected the art of lying and sneaking behind your parents when you were young what makes you think that your child is so holy and cannot or is not putting your childhood mischiefs to shame…

Let us obey the word of God “He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly”. Proverbs 13:24


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