There is only one Jeff Koinange
…One reason I do not enjoy listening to K24 male
newscasters is because they are all competing to sound like
Jeff Koinange. And now, I beg to be pardoned
since I am talking from a point of ignorance. I have never worked at K24 and am
not famous enough to rub shoulders with these presenters so that I can judge
if that is how they speak in real life. And I do not know if it is one of the requirements
for male anchors to get a job at K24 that one has to sound like Jeff. I am
making my observations based only on what I hear when they are reading the news.
I like the branding of K24 and am sure I
would enjoy listening to their bulletins was it not for those irritating things
that the guys do of copying another journalist rather than creating their own
space. I have always thought men are comfortable in their own skin and they
love being original and unique but the breed of male anchors at K24 lack
Am also disappointed with K24 bosses, why are
they not developing and mentoring these talents instead of encouraging them to all sound like
Jeff that I think is bad for business.
Whatever happened to best friends who protect
us from making a fool of ourselves? Or are we are all so smitten with Jeff we do not mind other people aping him.
It is said that we hear what we want. Maybe
that is the case with me…
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