We Must Campaign Against Groin Mutilation...
It is depressing to keep reading how angry
women are venting their anger towards their men. I am actually fed up of
reading, about all this violence of mutilation towards men. It is not fair and
we should speak against it and condemn it vehemently.
Previously, it used to be called hitting
below the belt when a woman would pelt insults at the man when she got angry. Now
the attacks have changed and women prefer to chop off, bite off, grab off, hack
off, (and all the other words that go with an off) their husbands, boyfriends
and their lovers genitals as a way of venting their suppressed anger.
We must all speak against this form violence,
reason being the man you are mutilating is someone’s son, just like you
would not want your own son to be mutilated. My fellow women, we should think of
the consequences of your actions before you take that object with the intent of
mutilating your one time lover. Granted, he has hurt you so badly and the only
punishment you think befits him is to go after what you think matters to him most.
Now suppose by God’s grace you forgive him and since you have already chopped
off his package in your hysterical anger, how are you going to get serviced.
I wish women knew the power they possess.
Sometimes it is better to separate or even divorce although against God’s
teachings than result in mutilating that man that you once loved and cherished
whose package you could not do without or get enough off. It is the same package that made you even
elope with him.
I think separation or divorce is more
humbling and painful to a man than anything else because men are very proud and
they do not like to fail. Why do I say so? This man has lived with you for a
number of years; he has been depending on you to do almost everything for him
and then all over a sudden, all those goodies are gone and now he has to fed
for himself and reconfigure all this systems again, where does he begin? Your
leaving him as a wife exposes him to exploitation and manipulation from other
women. Divorce I believe is more painful than the death of a spouse because in
death you know it is permanent but in divorce the spouse is alive and may in
the near future, start doing the same things to someone else.
Women stop this violence! And let’s all speak
against it. Let us shun violence. And just like Mordecai’s warning to Esther “don’t
imagine that you are safer than any other Jew just because you are in the Royal
palace” the same warning I send to women do not think your son is safe just
because he is a baby, or a toddler or a teenager… he is growing up and will become
somebody’s husband.
No one
is denying all the injustices that women go through, but surely this violence
must come to an end. We must all speak against it!
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