Where is the joy of being a 2nd wife…

Cecilia Mwangi and the others, who are glorifying second wifely, should stop cheating us and themselves that it is fun being a second wife. Now! before graduating into a wife that is after getting pregnant you are a mistress, a side dish and a home breaker. That is according to the society and the first wife. The woman who is known to be the cause and/or the reason why the wife cannot enjoy the full attention from her darling husband, the reason the children cannot see enough of their father and/or grow up with a father because he is so busy meeting his mistress’s expensive demands and especially when you are being pursued.

For Cecilia to tell us, one prerequisite of being with her boo is he ensures, that he takes care of his family is both dishonest and selfish among other words I could have used. Dishonesty because, if she loved that family in the first place, she could not have encouraged the relationship to continue. Selfish because when he is not able to meet her needs she will most probably move on. Although time will tell on that one.

Where is the joy of knowing that you do not have all the rights to the man.

Where is the joy of knowing that this man will likely to get a third wife because if he can take a second wife what will stop him from getting another wife once the grass starts looking greener on the other side.

Where is the joy of explaining to your child that she/he cannot be with dad all the time like her/his friends in school because dad has to be with the first family.

Where is the joy of knowing that if he has to choose between attending your child’s graduation and the first’s wife’s children’s graduation he will mostly likely choose his first kids event over yours.

Where is the joy of knowing he will never let go of his wife for you. And even if he does he will always be nostalgic of their memories together that is their joy and their pain. This made him to be what he is.

Actually according to African culture which modern second wives are hiding behind that was a reserve for girls who already had borne children out of wedlock. It was a cultural way of ensuring that the girls got married. And did not have to get old in their fathers home.

And am also sure no parent wants their daughter who they believe is an undefiled flower to be someone’s second wife. I think it is painful for any parent to introduce their baby girl as second wife to Mr. So and so whether, they are filthy rich.

In conclusion, as much as these modern girls want to glorify second wifely, I do not see any joy in it. But it is always good to console yourself.


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